In less than a month I will be moving out of my house in Central PA. I have lived in Coleville for over 4 years; this is the longest I have ever lived in one place since I started college. I have no set plans of where I am going; it all depends on what happens with my job search. Most of my items will be stored until I find a permanent location. That means I need to start packing soon. Any packing tips are greatly appreciated (I will not accept the answer: chuck everything and start over). I will keep some essential items with me: my dog, music, musical equipment, books, and a cap gun.
I have not ventured outside of the boundaries of State for several weeks now; it is time to venture forth. On Saturday I am traveling through the wilds of PA with Abby to visit Sharon and Eric in Albany, NY. We will join Erick, Sarah, Jefe, and Ellen who fled State College this afternoon. I am looking forward to getting out of State College and spending time with friends. Hopefully I will be ready to get back to work on my dissertation when I return.