Our tour was run by Akaroa Dolphins. L-R: Sarah, Rachel and Anna
Our skipper Murphy
It was a sunny, brisk day. I wonder if the fellow in the shorts rethought his wardrobe choice as we headed out of the harbor. L-R: shorts fellow, one of our guides, hooded person, and Sarah
The New Zealand flag
We saw several Hector's dolphins. Hector's dolphins are only found in New Zealand. The are the second rarest dolphins in the world. The rarest dolphins, Maui dolphins, are found off the coasts of the North Island.
During severe storms, the waves completely cover the hole in the bedrock.
Back to the present day... I am back to work and blogging after our latest swarm of aftershocks on 13 June 2011. Unfortunately, the grading elves did not visit and grade my tests. My office was remarkably tidy for the size shakes we had. Below are two pictures.
If you look closely, there is a picture of the intact Christchurch Cathedral on the right.
wish i was there.
My thought process as I read this was "that dog in the life jacket is so cute!.........OH MY GOD!!! DOLPHIN JUMPING OUT THE WATER!!!!"
I <3 dolphins. I'm glad you are having a good time in NZ.
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